Foundation Course - Second Trimester Scan


Second Trimester Scan Virtual Program ( STSVP) is a structured, step by step, skill intensifying online program. The Director of the course is Dr.S.Boopathy Vijayaraghavan MD, DMRD with experience of three decades in training in Sonography. It intends to improve your skills in performing this scan, cutting down the scan time, applying a method for each fetal part, follow the protocols and check-list, improving the confidence and doing away with stress of missing the finding. The course will start with parts of an image and its orientation and proceed sequentially with probe movements, guidelines, technique of procuring and correcting the image and various fetal parts in 9 modules and 18 lectures over 90 days. The modules and video lectures will become active in sequence. Back modules and lectures will be active till you complete the duration of course and you can watch anytime. You can clear your doubts in each lecture. There is an option of choosing to subscribe with online submission of images for assessment by a panel of experienced Faculty which will be available shortly(Fees will be Rs.30000+GST). Please ignore the instructions to upload images described in the videos.

 Copying and reproduction of the content in any form is not permitted and amounts to copyright violation. The content is intended for medical professionals only.

Who will benefit from the course?

The following physicians who are performing the STS for less than 3 years will benefit the most.

1.       Radiologists

2.       Obstetricians

3.       Sonologists

4.       Sonographers outside India

5.       Fetal Medicine specialists

Disclaimer: Physicians in India should be affiliated to a center certified under PCPNDT Act to submit images. We will not be ensuring this requirement legally necessary for performing obstetric scan in India.

Duration: 90 days          

System requirements: Google Chrome Browser


Modules and Lectures: Nine Modules

Each module will have one or more lectures that will describe in an elaborate way the topic of the module clarifying the usual doubts. At the end the images to be submitted for assessment will be listed. Each module will run for 7 to 10 days.

The images will be assessed by one of the faculty members with one chance to resubmit the mages after corrections, if necessary.

Module 1

Lectures Covering Image Orientation, Transducer Movement, Guidelines, Technique Of Survey, Lie And Presentation, Fetal Side Identification

Module 2

Lecture – Biometry – Technique, landmarks and structures, measurement and GA, correct features of the section and technique of procuring the correct image and technique of finer probe movements to achieve the same.

Module 3

Lecture – Protocol of fetal anatomy survey, Technique and check-list of axial sections of head and common anomalies. Technique and check-list of sections of fetal spine and common anomalies

Module 4

Lecture - Technique and check-list of sections of orbits, nose lips, profile of face, ears, neck and common anomalies

Module 5

Lecture - Technique and check-list of axial sections of abdomen, coronal scan of .  and common anomalies

Module 6

Lecture – Technique of 4CV, LVOT and 3VT sections of fetal heart, check-list and common anomalies

Module 7

Lecture - Technique and check-list of axial and coronal scans of chest and common Anomalies

Module 8

Lecture – Technique of longitudinal scan of three segments of all four limbs and common anomalies

Module 9

Lecture – on genetic sonogram, calculation of revised risk for aneuploidy and counselling and technique of scanning Placenta, amniotic fluid, umbilical cord, cord insertions, uterine artery, uterine wall, adnexa and cervix and their abnormalities.


Faculty: Course Director and Lead Faculty: Dr.S.Boopathy Vijayaraghavan

Team of Faculty:  Dr.Sharmila, Dr. K.Latha, Dr.Anitha & Dr.Devipriya 

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Please read  the above information carefully before subscribing. Once subscribed you cannot cancel and claim refund.

Thank you.

Charges inclusive of 18% GST

Second Trimester Scan Course OnlyRs.23600.00Subscribe
There is no greater joy than sharing one's knowledge and experience with those who can utilize them. This is the very reason for the existence of this website! Sonography is a passion which I have indulged in for the past 35 years and it continues to kindle the fire of intellect and curiosity in mind to explore more. Hence, here is a forum to share my understanding and to provide an opportunity to discuss various topics related to ultrasonography.

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